Getting a Product Nameplate for Your Property
If you're among the 31.7% of Americans with a small to medium business, you know you must maintain your brand correctly. It doesn't matter if you are designing a new storefront or a new branded product for retail. You need to have professional and robust branding for all of your merchandise and company property. It is even more fantastic to have a branded nameplate that you can put on products like refrigerators, coolers, and bbq grills. Using a custom product nameplate is one of the best ways to brand your business. Custom merchandise rules! Let's talk about custom nameplates and why you should invest in them for your company.
What Is a Product Nameplate?
Product nameplates are custom-made signs and logos used for company and personal branding. They are great for retail stores, in-office products, brand merchandising, and helping brands and individuals track their market. Essentially, they're a marker that sets products apart from competitors so that you can quickly grow your brand and identity.
Product nameplates are essential for professional business branding. If an item belongs to a company, an identifying marker like a product nameplate solidifies that the product belongs to your business. This isn't just a branding strategy. It also ensures that your property can be identified as company property if you need to do so.
Common Nameplate Materials
Many custom-molded nameplates are made from aluminum and stainless steel substrates. This allows for easy 3D contour on the surface of the nameplate as well as black detail paint. You can also add acrylic for color or a screen-printed insert to the body of your nameplate.
Screen-printed nameplates made from vinyl, mylar, and aluminum are another option. These materials can be domed, embossed, reflective, or metallic.
Regardless of the nameplate that you choose, the material is specifically made to withstand all weather conditions. All of our custom nameplates resist rain, snow, and extreme heat with excellent long-term results.
Why Are They a Good Idea?
There are a few great reasons to invest in custom nameplates.
The first is to meet local or state regulations. A lot of required or branded information can be put onto your nameplate. This includes ID numbers, manufacturing dates, and tracking codes.
This is especially important for companies that need to meet regulations for the industry they are operating in. Product nameplates can let law enforcement and governing bodies know that your business complies with commercial regulations.
Custom nameplates can also deter thieves from targeting your business and your property. Suppose a thief sees that you have a personalized product or nameplate on your business property. It is more likely that someone stealing your property will see the custom branding as a deterrent and might hesitate to steal it from you. It is imperative to show ownership rights on all of your expensive products and equipment in your business so you can reclaim them in the event of a loss.
What Are Your Options?
Once you decide on the appropriate material for your business nameplates, there are many options that you can choose from for their design. Choosing the shape of your nameplate is the first step towards customizing your branding image. We have many options that will help showcase different ideas for your branding adventure. When you create a custom product nameplate, it should be unique to your business. We can design your custom nameplates in any shape or font you would like to ensure your brand originality.
Customizing Your Nameplate With Text
The next step is adding your text to the product nameplate. The text should meet branding protocols if you're building a product template for an organization or company. Number the product and add a barcode that tells authorities where to return the product if it's stolen. Add a numeric code that can help you locate your business property if something happens to it. You can also add a scannable barcode or QR code for even better tracking and identification. Barcodes and QR codes allow you to scan your property for quick identification if needed.
Selecting Personalized Colors
After deciding what the overall nameplate should look like, it's time to choose the right colors for its surface. Since more colors can add to the overall price, you should consider your budget when selecting your color scheme. If you have a corporate product nameplate, you may not have control over the shades that you use. Corporate colors are generally a must. If not, you could just use a stainless steel nameplate with black accents to get your point across.
Silver and black are a great color combo for any nameplates, personal or professional. They are versatile and match any product make, model, or color. Black and chrome can be subtle while still looking professional and unique.
Some businesses want custom nameplates that pack a punch for their brand. We can use different layers of acrylic overlay in many different colors to make up exciting and unique designs. Look into what colors match your business brand before making a decision on your final product nameplate.
Invest in a Custom Nameplate Today
Now that you know what a product nameplate is and why it's essential, it's time to get started. Consider the custom design that you want for your business branding. Map out this design and send it to our experts.
We're committed to ensuring that your brand appearance matches your vision, so don't hesitate. We are here for any questions you have and look forward to helping you order a custom nameplate today.